PQ brings structure to those who need help achieving their dreams. It records your unique journey, allowing you to look back to see how far you’ve really come. PQ encourages you to do life with others, so you can discover Peak You.

PQ is divided into 3 parts.

🛣 Long-term planning - You’ll do this a few times a year.

🏆 Metrics Tracking and Challenges - You’ll do this at least once a week, but as often as multiple times a day!

📖 Photo Journal - You’ll do this about once a week.

Each of these three parts is designed to build upon one another, but everything is optional.

Long-term planning

You start by building a LifeSheet.

The LifeSheet is a snapshot of your current goals, personal fulfillment, financial situation, health metrics, among other things. Once you know where you are, you’ll plan for the future.

Lie Sheet Goals Screenshot
  • 🎯 Set goals and recount accomplishments.
  • 😊 Look inward at your personal happiness.
  • 💰 Deep dive into your finances.
  • ❤️ Evaluate your physical health.
  • 🌱 Consider areas where you want to grow.
  • 💬 Ask for help from your trusted circle.

Now for the scary part…you’ll tell someone 😱

Whether you choose to share with your trusted circle or a group of strangers is up to you. The point of telling someone else is that they can keep you honest with yourself. Your council will help you evaluate if your goals are realistic. They may share tips to help you get further faster. Lastly, they are going to hold you accountable to yourself by checking in periodically to see how you’re progressing.

OK. You’ve done the high-level planning, and set your goals for the future, it’s time to deconstruct the problem. PQ allows you to set up and record any metrics you’d like so you can identify trends. You’ll need to consider - “What kinds of repeated behaviors will get me to where I want to go?” Whether you’re watching your weight, measuring the number of minutes you can hold your breath, or did you make it a full day without smoking, you can track it. With quality data you can make informed decisions!

Metrics Tracking and Challenges

Data-driven decisions are crucial for success. PQ makes these easy by allowing you to configure custom metrics which you can monitor over time. Whether you’re looking to jump-start a habit using Challenges, or if you want to make sure nothing is slipping through the cracks, PQ has you covered.

Challenges allow you and your fellow competitors to set the terms, the stakes, and then it’s up to you to put in your best effort. Challenges include a leaderboard showing the best score, and the longest continuous streak.

Challenges Screenshot

PQ keeps track of your score, and who has the longest running streak 🏆

For the folks who prefer a more casual approach, weekly metrics can be captured as part of the journaling experience. Doing so ensures that every week you evaluate how you’ve done so that you can make any necessary adjustments early and often.

Weekly Check-ins Screenshot

📝 Every week you’ll record how you did and how it felt.

And over time….

📖 You’ll have a documented history of your life’s unique journey.

The metrics you choose to track, whether it’s done competitively or independently, and how often you enter data is entirely up to you!

With consistency, and a quality support system, you’ll be able to achieve those goals you set for yourself using the Life Sheet.

Photo Journal

Life moves FAST!

It is not uncommon for people today to be juggling home-life, work-life, self-care, child-care, and the needs of others. Days blend into weeks, weeks blend into months, months blend into years. It’s impossible to keep track of it all and worse yet, when we reflect back, it’s very common to have no idea what we’ve done or how we got to where we are. Thought experiment, “What did you do two weeks ago?”

PQ slows down life through the Photo Journal. As often as you like, you may use the journal to write down whatever is on your mind. If you do this consistently, when you go to look back at the past, you’ll have a record of what you were doing and how far you’ve come! You can optionally link photos to journal entries as a rich media reminder of your important life moments.

The PQ Photo Journal includes a unique feature; it supports both “thoughts to share” and “thoughts to keep”. Use “thoughts to share” to celebrate wins, declare your upcoming intentions, or ask your accountability group for help. We make it easy to broadcast your shareable thoughts within your PQ group. For the more sensitive stuff, “thoughts to keep” are kept confidential; these are for your eyes only.

Post to Slack Screenshot

Accountability is baked into PQ. During your weekly check-in you could share how you're progress towards your goals; anything you're looking forward to; if there's something is weighing you down; or you ask for help.

PQ lets you post your notes* to a Slack channel so you can seek council from your trusted advisors.

* PQ supports both public notes to be shared with Slack and private notes for your eyes only.

I’ve tried this before. How is PQ any different?

Arbitrary habit tracking is much harder when you don’t understand the deeper “why?”

By building the LifeSheet, you start with why, and then you worry about “how”.

Resolutions without regular check-ins don’t last.

PQ takes a holistic approach. Dream big, break it up into bit-sized chunks, measure and share progress, and do life with friends.

Accountability is baked into the process.

PQ makes it easy to set your intention, share them among your preferred peers.

From a study done by the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD)

  • Having an idea or goal: 10% likely to complete the goal
  • Consciously deciding that you will do it: 25%
  • Deciding when you will do it: 40%
  • Planning how to do it: 50%
  • Committing to someone that you will do it: 65%
  • Having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to: 95%

Let’s use knowledge to our advantage! The LifeSheet, the weekly check-ins, and accountability commitments with your peers will give you the best odds of success.

PQ respects your privacy.

PQ doesn’t ask for any identifying information.

We don’t try to connect to any of your accounts.

There are no trackers, ads, or digital fingerprinting.

A note from the creator -

I’ve built PQ out of necessity. I have so many major ambitions. It was overwhelming to keep it all in my head. To get unstuck and regain my sense of direction, I needed to get it all out of my head and onto “paper,” then break it into bite-sized chunks. Once I knew what I wanted, I began to behave in a way that is likely to lead to the desired outcome. I also met many amazing people along the way who share similar interests.

Declaring your intentions is one thing, but actually doing those things is a separate animal. It requires discipline over long periods of time. Starting something is usually pretty easy, but finishing that something takes work. I wouldn’t always do what I said I was going to do. When the going gets tough, I needed quality people in my corner. I built PQ with people in mind, not just goals. Now I’m finishing things I’m truly proud of. PQ has been a tremendous addition to my life!

Join Our Private Beta Waitlist!

We’re excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new product, and we want you to be one of the first people to try it out!

By signing up for our private beta waitlist, you’ll have the exclusive opportunity to try out our product before it’s available to the general public. You’ll be able to provide feedback and help shape the future of growth, done together.